Andean Silver


  • The Los Domos project is located proximal to the flagship Cerro Bayo project in the Aysen regional of Chile and comprises 4,100Ha of mining and exploration licenses
  • Los Domos represents the SE extension of the Cerro Bayo system with a cumulative strike of over 10km and comprising over 8 major target structures and represents the NW tip of the Deseado Massif Volcanic sequence that hosts world class mineral systems such as Cerro Vanguardia and Cerro Negro
  • Los Domos has had significant exploration investment with over 7,000m of diamond drilling completed that has identified a significant Ag-Au-Zn-Pb mineralized body on the T7 target that extends over 600m of strike and down to over 200m in depth
  • Los Domos represents an earlier stage Zn-Pb deep crustal mineralized event that has a subsequent epithermal Ag-Au overprint. Similar deposit styles include Cerro Moro and Huaron (Pan American Silver) and Palmajero and Silvertip (Coeur Mining)
  • Significant intercepts include;
  • 9.7m @ 181g/t Ag, 2.58g/t Au, 4.15% Pb, 8.5% Zn, 0.4% Cu
  • 2.7m @ 132g/t Ag, 1.32g/t Au, 11.4% Pb, 10.7% Zn, 0.32% Cu
  • 8.39m @ 248g/t Ag, 20.7% Pb, 7.1% Zn, 0.7g/t Au
  • Future exploration will build on the work completed to date and will focus on a surface mapping and sampling campaign to extend and further define the targets at Los Domos as well as followup drilling of the multiple mineralized targets and infill drilling of the T7 target zone
  • The Cerro Diablo project is located 25km North of the flagship Cerro Bayo project in the Aysen regional of Chile and comprises 4,550Ha of exploration licenses
  • The project lies in the NW limits of the Deseado Massif mineral province that is a favorable host to intermediate-high sulphidation, Skarn, Porphyry and Volcanic-hosted massive sulphide (VHMS) style mineralization
  • Cerro Diablo hosts characteristics of a hybrid style intermediate mineralized system with mineralization extending over 1km on surface and extensive Argillic surface alteration
  • Since its discovery no drilling has been conducted over the project area with 2 phases of field mapping and sampling completed with significant intercepts;
Copper rich zone
  • 20.6% Cu, 30.8g/t Ag, 0.38% Zn, 0.17% Pb, 0.26g/t Au
  • 16.2% Cu, 24.6g/t Ag, 0.18% Zn, 0.11% Pb, 0.15g/t Au
  • 6.79% Cu, 11.7g/t Ag, 0.53g/t Au
Gold Rich Zone
  • 5.40g/t Au, 6.2g/t Ag
  • 4.91g/t Au, 3.8g/t Ag
  • 3.93g/t Au, 12.2g/t Ag
Polymetallic Rich Zone
  • 7.95% Zn, 35% Pb, 0.35% Cu, 112g/t Ag
  • 19% Zn, 20.8% Pb, 1.12% Cu, 100g/t Ag
  • 9.74% Zn, 7% Pb, 0.33% Cu, 54.7g/t Ag
  • Future exploration programs will focus on defining the mineralised system through a surface mapping and sampling campaign followed by planning of a maiden drill program to test the structural target zones observed at surface
  • The historic Shaw River mining district, located 140km North West of Newman, Western Australia is a historic alluvial Tantalum-Tin-Lithium mining district
  • Andean Silver controls an exploration area of 75km2 that covers comprising a series of overlapping early and late granites and relict greenstone belt
  • Recent work by Andean has focused on the potential for Placer style Rare Earth accumulations associated with the Tambina suite of high-Al granites
  • Soil sampling campaigns have indicated a large mechanically weathered sand covering an estimated 6km2 area that has shown a general elevated TREO content of >500ppm
  • Field work has indicated the potential for Pegmatite systems to be present in the southern areas of the tenure with fractionation increasing to the south west with overlapping Lithium indicators (Cs-Li-Ta-Nb-Be-Rb)
  • Future exploration programs will focus on further defining the extent of the Rare Earth anomaly and vectoring onto the source of the Lithium in soil anomalies