
Cerro Bayo Project

Driving Innovation, Sustainability, and Growth in the Mining Industry.




The Cerro Bayo Project has a high grade resource of 8.2Mt for 91Moz at 342g/t AgEq.

The resource comprises both open pit and underground mines across 2 mining complexes with the Cerro Bayo project and is supported by the collected knowledge and drilling investment over 20yrs of mining history through the district.

  1. Mineral Resources are classified and reported in accordance with the 2012 JORC Code.
  2. Open pit resources are reported to a cutoff grade of 65g/t AgEq. 
  3. Pit optimisation shells were used to constrain the resource using a gold price of US$1,850/oz and Silver price of US$24/oz.
  4. Taitao Underground Mineral Resource Estimates are reported at a cut-off of 165g/t AgEq beneath the open pit. LVMC
    and CBMC Resources external to Taitao are reported at a cut-off of 200g/t AgEq.
  5. Silver equivalents are calculated using the equation AgEq = Ag(g/t) + (83 x Au(g/t) and gold equivalents are calculated based on the equation AuEq = Au(g/t) + (Ag(g/t) / 83) based on a gold price of US$1,900/oz and Silver price of US$23/oz. Metallurgical recoveries for gold and silver are closely linked and are typically 92-93% for gold and silver. The Company considers the estimation of metallurgical recoveries in respect of exploration work to be reasonable based on the past processing records from the nearby Cerro Bayo plant between 1995 and 2016, and work undertaken in preparing the mineral resource estimate. It is the Company’s view that all elements in the silver and gold equivalents calculations have a reasonable potential to be recovered and sold.
  6. Bulk Density of 2.63g/cm3 has been applied to veins and 2.57g/cm3 has been applied to stockwork and waste domains.
  7. No internal selectivity or dilution has been applied and the stockwork domains have been modelled using an SMU of 2.5m x 5m x 2.5m (X,Y,Z) with dilution incorporated into the SMU.
  8. Numbers may not add due to rounding.



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